Monday, March 5, 2012

Common symptoms of brain tumors and cancer

The brain has different parts and different functions, so symptoms of cancer that arises when the brain becomes different too. Common symptoms of brain cancer depends on which part of brain cancer was growing.

Common symptoms of Cerebral

Symptoms of brain cancer is a mental change called mild or psychomotor asthenia. Mild mental changes can be felt by people with close family. Examples of mild mental changes are easily offended, like emotion, forgetfulness, mental instability of slow activity and loss of initiative.-brain-cancer treatment
brain cancer: example of the location of brain cancer
Including general cerebral symptoms is the loss of spontaneity, the possibility of anxiety and also found the occurrence / depression. Symptoms of progressive brain cancer is progressing and can be found in 2 of 3 cases.

Head Pain

Next is a symptom of brain cancer with the occurrence of headache. Experts estimate that 1% of the cause of the headache is due to the occurrence of brain cancer. And 30% are estimated to occur early symptoms of brain tumors and brain cancer is experiencing pain in the head.
The nature of the occurrence of headache varies. Ranging from mild and episodi, moderate, and even brain cancer symptoms of severe and throbbing headache. Brain cancer symptoms of headache is usually worse at night.
Including when I wake up in the morning and in a state of high intracranial pressure elevation. The presence of pain in the head with psychomotor asthenia and these need to be aware of the occurrence of suspected brain tumor or brain cancer.

Throw up

Symptoms of brain cancer with the occurrence of vomiting was found in 30% of cases. And general symptoms of brain cancer is accompanied by vomiting, headache. In the event of headache accompanied by vomiting then need to be aware that this is a symptom of brain cancer.


Symptoms of brain cancer early symptomatic seizures tumor / brain cancer was found in 25% of patients with brain cancer and found more than 35% kaksus seizures at an advanced stage. And there are an estimated 2% of the cause of the seizures is the tumor / brain cancer.
The peling to watch and suspected cause of seizures is tumor / brain cancer when experiencing seizures in status: epilepsy. Seizures was observed in 70% of brain tumors in the cortex. Found in 50% of patients with astrositoma, 40% in patients with meningioma and 25% in glioblastoma.

The symptoms of brain cancer

Among other symptoms of brain cancer is the alias of reduced visibility from less alert. Including the disruption in the talks and pendengara. Among them also the occurrence of disturbances in walking (balance) and neurological disorders. If the baby's crown is usually enlarged and prominent.
I have written above is just the symptoms. But that does not mean that in the event of any of these symptoms in you or your family then it is convicted of brain cancer, it certainly does not have to brain cancer. To be sure you can consult and check to the nearest hospital or doctor.

Brain Cancer of the Causes : From within and Outside the Brain

Cancer of the brain that causes a great deal. Everything that makes our brains get exposure can be originators. Simply me to be two factors of the brain (intrinsic) and external factors from the brain (extrinsic). This cancer does not stand alone, sometimes multifactorial, ie many causes. Here's an outline of the second trigger brain cancer (details maybe next time ... keep it here,healty life

Trigger factors of brain cancer in the following:
  1.  Genetic ancestry. If there is a lineage of brain cancer so careful to keep his health 
  2.  History of trauma or impact: impact in the head, although a mild head injury remain alert, which hit the tissue changes can also be a cause of abnormal growth of tissue in the brain

Precipitating factors such as brain cancer from the outside:
  1.  Lifestyle (life style): Unhealthy lifestyles can also be a cause of cancer in general, such as smoking, diet less fiber, etc.
    2. Carcinogenicity: umu carcinogens are also a cause of cancer, such as cooking oil over Ulan dipakia, chemicals are inhaled, or mixed in food 
     3.Radiation: radiation materials - chemicals can also trigger the growth of cancer cells.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Brain Cancer's Symptoms

The brain can be multitasking like this because all activity is regulated by different brain parts (each part has a different function). In general, the human brain is divided into three parts, namely a large brain (cerebrum), cerebellum (cerebellum) and brain stem (brain stem). Each section is subdivided into smaller sections, in which each small part is divided again, and so on. Fills the space between the brain fluid (cerebrospinal fluid), while the exterior is protected by three layers of the lining of the brain (meninges) and bone of the skull.

Well, every part of the brain can be affected by tumor / cancer. Although a benign tumor, but because of the growth in the brain, can be very dangerous. The tumor can interfere with the function and structure of the central nervous system damage, because it lies within a finite cavity (cavity of the skull). Along with the development of these tumors, brain tissue will be more depressed. Though the volume of cranial cavity is very limited and may not be getting bigger. This is what makes the headaches / dizziness as an early symptom of brain cancer.

Baseline characteristics of brain cancer varies widely, depending on which part of the brain affected. For example, headache or feel nauseated. Here are the symptoms of brain cancer that you should be aware of:

  1. headache accompanied by nausea to vomiting spray
  2. reduced visibility
  3. decreased awareness or behavior change
  4. speech impairment
  5. hearing loss
  6. impaired walking / balance of the body
  7. nerves
  8. weakened limbs or seizures
  9. in infants are usually large prominent crown

Remember, the above list is only a symptom. Although you are experiencing one or more of the above symptoms, you may not be affected by brain cancer. To be sure, you should be checked immediately by a physician neurologist and undergo a further examination such as CT scan, MRI, angiogram, myelogram, spinal tap and biopsy.